Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Comparing Characters- Bridge to Terabithia.

This is my Venn Diagram for the class novel we read, Bridge to Terabithia. Everyday Mrs. G, our teacher reads us a chapter of the book. We listen out for the answers for comprehension questions. This was one of the follow up questions. We needed to draw up a venn diagram describing the appearances and personalities of two of the main characters, Jess and Leslie. As we began reading they turned out to be two very different people but now; because we are further in the story they are turning out to be more alike than we know. So we had to put the facts about Jess in the left hand bubble and the facts about Leslie in the right hand bubble. Next I want to learn how to add more detail to the diagram and fish out more interesting words. 


Belinda Johnston said...

Hi Anahita
You have used some fabulous words in your venn digram to compare both characters. I loved reading this book when I was your age and the movie was so amazing wasn't it?
Ms J

Anonymous said...

You have identified lots of differences between the characters. They are almost opposite in lots of ways aren't they? Do you think there might be some more ways that they are similar? You can update this diagram as the story progresses and you find out more information.